Different Types of Values, Beliefs, and Attitude.

Reader Club
4 min readAug 30, 2021


Different Types of Values, Beliefs, and Attitude.


Beliefs are the fundamental framework of a person’s actions. A belief’s is a person’s understanding of what something means. Some beliefs may be as concrete as factual evidence, like science or math but other beliefs may be more spiritual like religion or ideas based on past experiences.


A value is an emotional state that you believe is important to uphold or not uphold. Values are the behaviors associated with your belief system. They determine the things you find important in life and the standards you give yourself. The value associated with that may be that you should always be mindful of the poor, you should volunteer and help others.

The value associated with the belief tells you how you should live your life and how to act. Many of the most basic life values that people are trying to uphold are happiness, devotion, honesty, education, spirituality, and equality.

Some of the values people are trying to escape are anger, hate, prejudice, sadness, frustration, and dishonesty. For each value a person holds, there is a belief system for how these values will be carried out.


An attitude is the mental state that links your personal values and the behaviors associated with them. Attitudes play an important role, as they are not as firmly grounded as your belief and value systems, and can also be impacted by other influence in your life (stress, politics, those around you). Essentially, attitude is a form of belief that is flexible and depend on the situation you find yourself in.

Beliefs, Attitudes, values and the relation to Six Human Needs

All people require the same basic six human needs. However, every person’s beliefs, attitudes, and values are unique and different. The two groups feed off of each other and influence your everyday life. It is a complex dance between your needs and the attitudes, values, and beliefs you hold.

Applying your Beliefs, Attitudes, Values, and Needs

Sit down and make a list of the values you wish to upload (positive values) and the values you wish to avoid (negative values). Once you have your two lists, organize them starting with most important to least important. Highlight the top three values in each category. You are going to work the most on these.

The next step is to take your top six values and write down your belief about how you can meet these values. For example, if you value charity and helping others, your belief may be that you donate all of your excess time and money to help those less fortunate than you. Or, you may believe that you should volunteer at least once a month to a charitable organization. Whatever you decide is acceptable for your life, write down your expectations.

Compare your list to the list of needs. How do these two lists connect? Now to think critically. Analyze a situation in your left that you made a big decision about. How did this decision connect to your beliefs, values, attitudes, and needs? Let’s use an example to explain how all of these factors are related. Your belief is that all people are created equal. You value equality in all situations. Your needs, in order are; Significance, contribution, growth, uncertainty, love and connection, and certainty.

Bottom Lines

A bottom line refers to a value that is hard-wired, something you learned when you were young and holds value still. These beliefs effect every value, behavior, and attitude you have as your life continues. These bottom lines are a result of how your parents, guardians, etc. treated you. To understand another person, it is important to understand what their bottom line is.

Follow-through & Practical Use

Do you know your bottom lines? If you are having troubles pinpointing your bottom line, it may help if you write down a few situations where you had a strong reaction to something. Work backwards, starting with your physical/emotional reaction and working towards the belief you have that may be the factor driving your decisions. Now do this for somebody that you have a close relationship to. It is important to note that finding your bottom line can take time and is not necessarily an easy process. Be patient in this process, and it will be worth it. There may be uncomfortable feeling associated with this type of mental digging, but don’t be dismayed, just ask for help from others if you are having trouble.

This Article is taken from How to Analyze People (online book is not Available)

Written by Arshad. A



Reader Club

Arshad Ansari is a Youtuber. Blogger and Copywriter. He like to Read Book and acquire new skills. He is a Free basic Consultant . Insta @mr_arshad_ansari_