How to Sculpture are Mind?

Reader Club
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Whatever your goal, mind sculpture is a terrific way to ease into your program for change. Mind sculpture down into several small steps:

  1. Isolate a task either that you are afraid to do or that makes you uncomfortable. Try to give yourself at least a month before you actually have to perform this activity.
  2. Decide how many seconds you’re willing to devote to mind sculpture for this task each day. Make sure you allot seconds, not minutes or hours; the time commitment should be so low that you can easily fulfill its requirements every single day. Repetition is important.
  3. When you are ready to practice mind sculpture, sit or he down in a quiet, comfortable spot and close your eyes.
  4. Imagine that you are in the difficult or uncomfortable situation and looking through your own eyes around you. What do you see? What is the setting. Who’s there? What do they look like? See the expressions on their faces, the clothes they are wearing their posture.
  5. Now expand your imagination to the rest of your senses. What are the sounds and smells and flavors and textures around you?
  6. Without moving an actual muscle, imagine that you are performing the task. What are the words you use? What does your voice sound like and how does it resonate through your body? What are your physical gestures?
  7. Imagine a positive response to your activity. If you are mind sculpting for public speaking, for example, see the audience learning forward in their seats, looking responsive and interested. Hear the scratch of pencil on paper as some particularly enthusiastic people take notes.
  8. When your allotted time for mind sculpture has become habitual and even fun, you may fund that you are automatically performing the formerly difficult activity with enthusiasm. but if you’re not ready for the real thing, that’s perfectly okay. Never force the process of kaizen; it works only if you let change happen in a comfortable and easy manner. You may instead choose to increase the time you spend on mind sculpture-but once again, you should increase the time you spend on mind sculpture-but once again, you should increase slowly, perhaps by just thirty seconds. You should increase the length and pace only when the pervious stage of mind sculpture has become effortless. If you start making excuses for not practicing mind sculpture, or if you find yourself forgetting to do it, then you need to cut back on the amount of time.
  9. Once you feel comfortable using mind sculpture for this task (and it may take days or weeks or even longer), imagine a worst-case scenario and how you would respond effectively to it. A public speaker might feel nervous sweat run down his face as he sees the audience members looking bored and hears them whispering among themselves. He would then imagine how he would like to speak, gesture, and feel in that situation.
  10. When you feel ready to take on the actual task, try out some small steps at first. To continue the public speaking example, consider giving your talk out loud but to an empty room or to an audience of one sympathetic person.

This Article is taken from One Small Step Can Change Your Life

Written by Arshad. A



Reader Club

Arshad Ansari is a Youtuber. Blogger and Copywriter. He like to Read Book and acquire new skills. He is a Free basic Consultant . Insta @mr_arshad_ansari_